Beloved, these are awesome days in which God is restoring the New Testament Church to its place of glory and virtue. Because this restoration is taking place within contemporary society, it differs culturally from the Church in Acts. However, it does not differ in the core of wisdom, power, and influence, which for both is the empowerment by the Holy Spirit. This restoration will cause the Church to arise and make great advancement in this hour. It is already happening in many countries around the world.
Many prophetic Scriptures point to these times, and interestingly, acclaimed apostolic and prophetic voices are talking and writing about the restoration of the apostolic Church. This renewal is transforming the face of the Church from a passive, withdrawn entity into a bold, aggressive, and advancing spiritual force.
Horn of Revival Bible Academy is an impacting center, providing high-quality global theological education, professional training and apostolic impaction for God-called men and women to help meet the need for effective leadership in the work of Churches and the market place. It is an institution of reckon and repute in the advancement of Christ’s eternal Kingdom on earth. It offers curricula in the areas of Theology, Religious Education, Church Music, Missiology, etc. from certificate courses to diploma and degree levels. It is well equipped to meet the challenges of the new age.
Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, HORBA is to Equip, Activate and Release its student into their areas of influence, armed with theological education and professional training, irrespective of ethnic, social, educational, and economic differences in a way to facilitate the fulfillment of the end time glory
Carrying the touch of revival around the globe. God is restoring apostles, prophets, and teachers to their original destiny in the New Testament Church. First Corinthians 12:28 speaks of the order of God in the Church: "And God has appointed these in the Church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues." When the Church gets back in New Testament order, miracles, healing, and the rest of verse 28 will break out. When apostolic government is in order, miracles and healing occur. This is what is happening in our time and in many nations.
Horn of Revival Bible Academy is the birthing place of leaders who are energized, equipped and enlightened to bear the rule of Christ on earth. It is a center of excellence for Spirit-led, Bible-based, practical training in all areas of leadership: Spiritual Leaders (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers), Supportive Leadership (Assistant Pastors, Children and Youth Directors, Worship Leaders, Department Heads, Administrators, Media Personnel) and Societal Leaders (Executives, Health Care Providers, Educators, Business men and women, Public Servants, etc.)